Frequently Asked Questions

We are proud to be a resource for Northern Virginia homeowners who want to update their backyards. When you’re planning your project, it’s not uncommon to have questions about what to expect. Below, we’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions from our customers so you can feel more prepared for your upcoming project. 

We hope you’ll read through our FAQs so you feel more confident moving forward with your outdoor living updates. If you have any additional questions, we would be more than happy to answer them for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts by calling 703-406-0914 or contacting us online

Frequently Asked Questions From Local Customers

What Material Should I Use for My Deck Project?

Generally speaking, we recommend against using wood for your deck project, as it is prone to damage like rotting. Wood is also a high-maintenance material that needs to be re-stained or repainted every few years. 

Instead, we recommend using a composite or PVC decking material. Both materials are a much more durable option that won’t rot or decay over time. They also require less maintenance compared to wood, so you can spend more time enjoying your deck and less time taking care of it. We proudly install decking materials from Trex and TimberTech.

Do I Need a Permit for My Outdoor Living Project?

Whether you need a permit depends on the scope of your project. However, in most cases, a permit will be required. When you hire Sunburst Construction for your outdoor living project, we will take care of all the permitting requirements for you. 

This will help give you peace of mind that your project is up to code, but you won’t have to do anything extra on your part.

Will Updating My Backyard Increase My Home Value?

The types of updates you do will determine the impact on your home value but in most cases, the answer is yes! The key is to make updates that will appeal to potential buyers should you decide to sell your home. But, you also want to ensure you’re making the updates that will matter most to your family as well. 

Some high-value outdoor living projects include: 

  • Adding a fire pit
  • Building an outdoor kitchen
  • Installing a swimming pool
  • Building a deck or patio
  • Adding a pergola or gazebo

How Long Will It Take to Complete My Project?

Many outdoor living projects take several weeks or even months to complete, depending on the intricacy of the design and all the details of the project. When we meet with you to talk about your project ideas, we’ll be able to give you a more accurate idea of how long your project will take from start to finish.

Can I DIY My Deck or Patio Project?

While you can take a DIY approach for your deck or patio build, we recommend against it. Building a new patio or deck is often more difficult than people realize, which leads to mistakes during the construction process. 

Some of our customers have come to us after attempting a DIY project after realizing that they’ll save time and money by hiring our installers instead.

How Much Will My Outdoor Living Project Cost?

The total cost will depend on the scope of your project. To make it easier for you to budget for your outdoor living updates, you can use our pricing calculator to see price ranges for the different features we install.

When Is a Good Time of Year to Schedule My Project?

Here at Sunburst Construction, we work with homeowners year-round to transform their outdoor living areas. We can complete your project based on what works best with your schedule and your family’s needs.

Why Choose Sunburst Construction?

No matter what kind of project you have in mind, you want to choose an experienced contractor who knows how to bring your ideas to life for the right price. Sunburst Construction is a fully insured Class A, HIC, CBC, RBC, licensed home contractor who has been working with homeowners in Northern Virginia for more than 25 years. We pride ourselves on delivering a high quality of work and customer service throughout every project we complete. 

Schedule Your Outdoor Living Project Today

We hope these FAQs help you feel more prepared for your upcoming project! When you’re ready to transform your backyard with a new deck, patio, swimming pool, outdoor kitchen, or anything in between, you can trust us to get the job done. To take the next step, please call 703-406-0914 or contact us online to request a free estimate.